Sunday, May 24, 2020

M U D D A Y 2020!

To be honest, the thought of 100 kiddos playing around in wet slimy mud can be pretty terrifying, but mud day at AoFC is a tradition that these children (and us!) love so much! This year we decided to go a bit bigger then we have in the past. We bought 10 giant bags of soil and a big baby pool. We typically just use little buckets so seeing the baby pool in action was just so awesome. So, we dumped all of the soil into buckets and the baby pool, filled them up with water to make the soil really muddy, and the kiddos just went at it! We had shovels, buckets, cars, hidden toys and a whole bunch of other fun supplies to really get the kiddos engaged in the activity! Playing in the really encourages kids to step outside of their comfort zone and explore outside. They are challenging themselves by expanding their imaginations and experiences by exploring nature and becoming more adventurous. Mud stimulates artistic expression! We do have some little ones who choose to opt out each year which...we can't really blame them, but for the most part SO many of our kiddos truly just love playing in the mud and getting super dirty! Activities such as this truly are the definition of just letting kids be kids. They go out and use their imagination that they are making a chocolate pie or digging for dinosaur fossils! We love walking around and hearing what they are talking about and how they are using different senses while playing. The baby pool was like one giant sensory bin! The kids really had so much fun this mud day, and we cannot wait to go even bigger next year!! What should we add to mud day next year? We are already brainstorming and coming up with new ways to enhance the fun! Enjoy these awesome pictures of your sweet littles having the time of their life while playing in some super wet and messy mud! 


 So...what now?

 Cutest little muddy Vols fan :)


 Jumping in the puddles!!

 Not so sure!?

 Exploring the muddy madness

 Cutest even with mud all over her :)

 Did someone say mud fight!?

 Pure messy joy!

 Just look at his sweet smile :)


Sweet girl making some mud pies!

Be sure to follow us on our Instagram page @aofckids :) We post everything fun there!
For more info on AOFC and the programs we offer, please click HERE

Thank you to everyone for the continued support through all of this trying time. We are so grateful to each and every one of you. We love you!

-Your AoFC family and friends

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