Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Leprechan traps and March fun

 March at AOFC is all about the Leprechan at least what he will do, will we catch him, what kind of trouble will he get into and plenty more as well as making the best most efficient Leprechan trap to catch him in the act! The Educators get just as excited as the kids do as they create the most fun mess for the tricky Leprechan to leave in the classrooms from green toilet water, glitter on tables,  making a mess of toys and leaving behind gold coins for each child to find.  Everyone was reporting to each other what the Leprechan did in their class and how did they not catch him, how did he get so fast and what does he look like?! The Leprechans got away this time but not without some trickery and so much fun! March Madness at AOFC! 

A trap ready and waiting for the Leprechan! 

Feeling Lucky! 

A Leprechan mess! 

Is in there?! 

Look what the Leprechan left behind! 

Checking to see if they caught that tricky Leprechan! 

The Leprechan left them a note written in shiny glitter! 

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