Friday, December 1, 2023

Dressing for the Weather

 Cold weather is finally upon us here at AOFC and our kids love to be outside but it is important to remember how to properly dress to be comfortable and safe in the ever changing winter weather.  Layers are an important part of dressing for cold weather as they keep you warm and can be added to or taken off as the temperature changes. A heavy jacket might be appropriate when the temps are colder whereas a light jacket or long sleeves would work for more mild temperatures.  Wearing a hat and gloves keep the warmth in and keep frostbite away as well as making outside playtime a lot more enjoyable.  Staying hydrated helps you stay safe in all those layers making sure that you don't become overheated and dehydrated both before and after playing outside. At AOFC outdoor time is a crucial part of day for both the kids and teachers so dressing for the weather makes playing outdside in the winter safe and enjoyable.

Sweet girl bundled up against the cold! 

She has on only a light jacket due to the nicer winter temperature! 

No need to zip today! 

He has on long sleeves and a jacket! 

Ready for any weather! 


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