Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Jiu Jitsu with Mr. John

We have so many awesome special guests visit us throughout the year that perform shows, teach us new skills, and bring us joy! What if our special guest was right here in our building though? Well, our very own PreK 2 teacher, Mr. John, was just that! Mr. John trains in the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and was kind enough to bring his talents to the PreK One and Two classrooms as he demonstrated some of the basic skills of Jiu Jitsu. One of his students also trains in martial arts and was so excited when Mr. John asked him to be his helper. Mr. John and his helper demonstrated basic safety skills and even showed off a couple of super cool moves! They were such a fun team. Mr. John called on some special volunteers to help him with some moves and then went around to tech each child a neat safety trick. He also explained to the classes the proper etiquette to use. The friends learned that if they are playing together with other friends and another friend accidentally bumps into them, causing them pain, they can tap them lightly and say "Please stop, that hurt." At the end of his performance, Mr. John taught everyone how to shake hands the "jiu jitsu way" Everyone was so excited about their gained knowledge!
Mr. John and his help are ready to get this Jiu Jitsu party started! 
They were both so excited to teach their friends cool new skills! 

Mr. John demonstrates bowing and explains why you would bow in Jiu Jitsu 

Teaching the Jiu Jitsu handshake. 
This is a way of letting opponents know you are their friend. 

A special volunteer is practicing a forward roll. 

Another excited volunteer is practicing a safety fall. 
This skill teaches friends how to catch themselves if they fall down. 

Mr. John's helper took his job very seriously and did a great job showing his friend all of his skills. 

For mor info on AOFC and the programs we offer, please click HERE
For resources on fun extra curricular classes your kiddo can be a part of, please click HERE

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