Thursday, August 8, 2024

Drumming Program

 We had very special guest this week at AOFC, Mr Clifford who brought all kinds of amazing drums from Africa and other parts of the world.  There were very large ones with deep sounds, medium sized drums with a higher sound and finally small hand held drums that had small, loud and high sounds.   Mr Clifford used his hands to drum as well as special drum sticks that would change what the drum would sound like depending on how hard you hit it and what you used.   Our kiddos couldn't wait for their turn to drum especially since there were several to try out.  We loved learning all about drums as well as hearing each one and getting to play them!  AOFC is all about learning through experiences and Mr Clifford and his drums were no exception! Everyone loved it and we can't wait for him to come again.


So excited!

Making the loud drumming sounds! 

Waiting for their turn to drum! 

In the drumming mood!

Look how fast they can go!

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