Thursday, March 6, 2025

Dr Seuss and Read Across America Week

 We are celebrating all things Dr Seuss this week in honor of his birthday March 2nd as well as Read Across America Week.  The National Education Association ( N.E.A.) encourages reading as well as educating people about it's benefits, especially among children and young adults and this is done by celebrating Read Across America from March 2- March 6th.   Dr Seuss made such an impact on the world with his over 60 books that when RAA was launched in 1998 it was declared that March 2nd would be Read Across America Day in honor of Dr Seuss's Birthday and kick off a week of reading that would be celebrated even today!  

Our week started with a fun sensory bin representing Horton Hears Who with puffs and playdough, Truffula trees fork painting,  Crazy hair day, a special reading of the Cat in Hat and then ending with a Lorax Grab n' Go.  The love of reading is strong at AOFC and we loved kicking off our own Read Across America week celebrating Dr Suess!!

Look at her trees! So cute!

Love the colors!

She is being so careful with her puffy Horton trees! 

Crazy hair cheese!

His hair looks so cool! 

Look at those tiny puffs! 

Ms Kat reading the Cat in the Hat!