Thursday, September 5, 2024

Grandparents Day

 It was a very special day at AOFC, Grandparents Day, where we celebrated and loved on all the Grandparents that are a part of our school family.  Lots of sweet smiles, pancakes, extra syrup and even some stories were a part of the festivities this morning.  We loved seeing the Grandparents being lead around by their grandchildren while they pointed out friends, their classrooms and where the playground was followed by hugs and kisses as they were dropped off to their teachers in the morning.  We have amazing families at AOFC and we were honored to have all those special Grandparents visit us this morning.  Hooray for Grandparents Day at AOFC!! 

Ready for the sweet grandparents! 

Sweet Girl! 

Look at these amazing pictures! 

So Cute! 


Loves her Grandmother!